Ibrahim Abu Farha

I am a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield. I am part of the NLP group working with Kalina Bontcheva and Carolina Scarton. In 2023, I finished my PhD from the School of Informatics, the University of Edinburgh. In my PhD, I worked on Arabic sarcasm detection under the supervision of Walid Magdy and Bonnie Webber. I was also a member of the SMASH research group. In 2018, I completed my MSc in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. During my masters I focused on machine learning and NLP. My dissertation was about Arabic sentiment analysis, where I focused on utilising and comparing deep learning models for that task. Finally, I Completed my BA in Computer Systems Engineering from Birzeit University in Palestine. My final year graduation project was about Automatic Arabic Text Summarization.
Apr 19, 2023 | Passed my PhD defence at the University of Edinburgh 🎓. |
Apr 1, 2023 | I was selected to be the shared tasks chair at WANLP 2023. |
Mar 1, 2023 | Started a post-doc position at the University of Sheffield as a part of the NLP group. |
Dec 8, 2022 | Our paper “The Effect of Arabic Dialect Familiarity on Data Annotation” won the best paper award at WANLP 2022 🥇. |
Oct 12, 2022 | Our paper “The Effect of Arabic Dialect Familiarity on Data Annotation” has been accepted to WANLP - EMNLP. The paper is co-authord Walid Magdy. |
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court (DCS)
211 Portobello
United Kingdom
S1 4DP